Saxofón Latinoamericano

La investigación sobre el saxofón en el contexto de la creación musical contemporánea de América Latina ha sido una preocupación permanente del trabajo artístico y docente del Dr. Miguel Villafruela, con el propósito permanente de ampliar el repertorio para el instrumento e incentivar la motivación hacia la creación de obras para el saxofón de parte de los compositores latinoamericanos.

En ese sentido, esta publicación Saxofón Latinoamericano tiene entre otros objetivos, a difundir la creación de los compositores latinoamericanos para saxofón e informar todo lo relacionado con el repertorio para el instrumento, existente en esta región del mundo.

Esta página es la primera edición para Internet que aborda el tema del saxofón en América Latina y a la vez se convierte en la actualización y renovación constante de su libro El Saxofón en la Música Docta de América Latina.

Harry Lamott Crowl, Jr.

CompositorHarry Lamott Crowl, Jr. (1958 )

Harry Crowl is a Brazilian composer of classical music born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on October 6th, 1958. First music studies in his native town. He went on to study in the US with Charles Jones, both privately and at the Juilliard School of Music. Back in Brazil, he got a degree in English and Portuguese at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. Further composition studies under Peter Sculthorpe in Dartington, England. A very prolific and active composer of the Brazilian 1980’s generation with 170 compositions written to 2018. His music draws on many influences, 20th century trends to early Portuguese polyphony and Brazilian colonial religious music, as well as from observing nature, environment, and literature. He is also interested in western literature, theater, cinema, visual arts and dance, as well as in languages. Currently living in Curitiba, southern Brazil, he is the Federal University of Paraná’s Philharmonic Orchestra Artistic Director and Professor of composition and music history at the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (EMBAP), and also produces and presents programs for the State of Paraná Educational Radio. As a musicologist, he has discovered and published some important late 18th century music by Brazilian composers and has often disseminated the cause of Brazilian classical music through lectures, broadcasts and music festivals. He was ISCM’s Brazilian Section delegate from 2002 to 2006.

Obras catalogadas del compositor Harry Lamott Crowl, Jr.

Compositor Título de la Obra País
Crowl, Jr., Harry Lamott (1958 ) Concerto para saxofón soprano y cuerdas (1983) Brasil
Crowl, Jr., Harry Lamott (1958 ) Solilóquio I (1995) Brasil
Crowl, Jr., Harry Lamott (1958 ) Paisagem Meridional no 3 (2015) Brasil